Monday, December 29, 2014

15 Things I Am Praying For First Christian Church In 2015

2014 was in many ways a great year for FCC. It was a year of celebration of 100 years of service to the Lord. There were many victories and to be sure some times of grief as well. As we move into the 101st year of service in 2015 here are 15 of my prayers for our congregation.
1.    For the focus to stay on Christ. It is easy to lose focus. We must be clear that Christ is at the center of all that we plan, do, and dream. If egos get in the way, Satan has won a battle. Colossians 3:1-2
2.    For wisdom for our leadership. To lead with truth, grace, and love takes wisdom from God. I pray for our elders, deacons, trustees, staff, Sunday School teachers, group leaders, and ministry leaders to be given wisdom from God. James 1:5
3.    For continual and expanded unity. Jesus prayed in John 17 that we would be one as he and the Father are one. I pray for congregational unity and unity with our sister churches. John 17:20-23
4.    For a greater intentionality in outreach. We live in a community that needs the Lord. God has called us to reach out to them. We also live in a world that needs Christ, hence missions are a great focus. Matthew 28:19-20
5.    For an improved emphasis on Sunday School. It is important for each of us to have a group of people to grow with, learn with, rejoice with, and cry with and Sunday School is a great place to start. Romans 12:12-20; Galatians 6:2
6.    For clear plans for discipleship. The goal of the Christian life is to become more like Christ. That does not happen without intentional effort. There is a need for helping believers to grow. Ephesians 4:11-17
7.    For new leaders. I am praying for a new generation of leaders that love the Lord and willing to give their all to see FCC be all God has called us to be for his glory. 2 Timothy 2:2
8.    For more participation. For us to reach the community, help believers to grow, improve programs, and give the Lord our best we need everyone to participate. We blessed to bless others. Matthew 9:37-38
9.    For genuine excitement from the Spirit. I pray for everyone to be genuinely excited to be part of what God is doing at FCC. Psalm 100
10. For a hunger for the Word of God. There is power in the Word, therefore I pray for us to hunger for the Word and for the Lord to use our classes, sermons, and programs to challenge us to grow. 2 Timothy 2:15
11. For a thirst for righteousness. May it be said of God’s people that we can be trusted. Matthew 5:6
12. For compassionate hearts. May we be known as a people of grace rather than of legalism. May our hearts break for those that God loves. Matthew 7:1-2
13. For increased corporate prayer. There is power when God’s people come together with one voice to pray. Acts 12:5-18
14. For enthusiastic stewardship. God loves a cheerful giver. May we give with joy of our money, time, and energy. 2 Corinthians 9:6-7
15. For joy. I pray for our worship to be celebratory, our preaching to be encouraging, our events to be memorable, and for there to be a spirit of joy that is evident for all. Psalm 97:11-12

Please join me in these and many more prayers.

Monday, December 22, 2014

Need a last minute gift idea?

Jesus said, "It is more blessed to give than to receive" (Acts 20:35).

Here we are only two days away from the biggest gift giving day of the year. Perhaps you, like many I know, have no idea what to get for someone. May I make a few suggestions?

1. Give a gift that will change a life forever.

A couple of weeks ago we had our annual staff, board, and spouses Christmas meal. It was a great evening with great food, great people, and we celebrated the great God we serve. Every year I try to get a gift for those in attendance. Last year I gave them all a handmade Christmas ornament (made by the wonderfully talented Judy Collins). This year as I was thinking about what to get them I realized that most everyone in attendance are very blessed. There is little that any of them need, or at least that I could provide for them personally. Thus I went a different route, perhaps you can do the same.

Instead of buying each a gift, I told them this year they are going to provide a young child with a fresh start by offering them a lip/ palate surgery. One of the missions we support is the International Disaster Emergency Services. To learn more about who they are and what they do go to:  I explained that for many children born in some foreign countries with a physical deformity like a cleft pallet life can be very hard. In some places in the world they believe that such birth defects are given because of a curse or a sin. By providing for the surgery not only does it help this child in an amazing way, but it also opens doors of opportunity for the Gospel. Consider going to and looking at the gift catalog. Perhaps instead of giving someone a gift they may not need or want you can give them the gift of helping someone in an amazing way. The gifts range from giving a chicken to building a well, just take a look please. 

Look at these before and after picture: 

I believe this gift was very well received by my board and staff members, perhaps it would be greatly appreciated by someone you want to buy for as well. 

2. Give the gift of support to a ministry in need.

Last year a wonderful Christian woman in our congregation (Shirley Hasty) made a donation to Cincinnati Christian University (where I had the privilege of going to seminary) in my honor. To learn more about this great school go to: year she made a donation to Mid Atlantic Christian University (where I have the privilege of teaching as an adjunct) in my honor. To learn more about this great school go to:  When I received notification of this gift I was both honored and humbled. Perhaps you can give to a school, para church organization, another non profit worthy of support, or your local congregation in honor of someone you love. This is a gift that can make a real difference. 

So do you need a last minute gift idea? How about giving to one of these great organizations or to one that you know and love.