Wednesday, August 12, 2015

The Barnabas Group

I hate negativity, don’t you? Nevertheless I sometimes feel like I am surrounded by bad news and those that want to ruin my day. There is news of wars, deaths, sickness, destruction, crimes, and political corruption. While we are still a long way from voting for our next president the smear campaigns are in full swing. The people of God are far from immune from such realities. There are those among us that are facing the issues of sickness, pain, loss, depression, and simply feeling discouragement. We are let down by our health, our memories, our abilities, our friends, our families, and our heroes. Subsequently, I am so thankful for those that take the command to encourage one another seriously.
Paul commands us in 1 Thessalonians 5:11, "Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing." Hebrews 3:13 commands, "But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness." Proverbs 11:25 promises, “He who refreshes others will himself be refreshed.”
 Do you have people in your life that have been or are encouragers to you? I have had several in my life. For example, one of my biggest encouragers for several years was Doug Hardy. Doug was chairman of the Elders when I came to serve at First Christian. He would call about once a week to simply check on me and ask how I am doing. He made it clear he was not trying to micromanage me or to interfere with anything. He was not calling to complain or critique. Rather, he wanted to know what was on my mind and how he could pray for me. I can’t tell you how much I miss my friend Doug and look forward to seeing him again in heaven.
            In Scripture we read about a man named Joseph, but was known by his nickname “Barnabas” which means “son of encouragement” (Acts 4:36). If those that work with you and live with you were to give you a nickname that described who you are and what you do what would it be? How do others see you? We need more Baranabas’ that see the need to encourage others.

            With this need in mind, we are going to start a new group here at FCC for this purpose. This Barnabas group will seek to reach out to those in the congregation to encourage them.  I am praying that many will want to be a part of this group because it is greatly needed. Here are a few ways you can encourage others as part of this group:

1.     Words of Encouragement –Proverbs 16:24 says pleasant words bring healing to the bones. Lift someone by telling how you appreciate a certain positive quality in them. Share some Scripture that helped you through a hard time. Let people know they are noticed and loved. This can be done in homes, hospitals, nursing homes, or on the phone. 
2.     Notes of Encouragement – To open up the mailbox or inbox and see an encouraging note is a wonderful experience. To write to people to let them know you are praying for them and that you care can be a great comfort to those who are lonely, grieving, or discouraged.
3.     Visits of Encouragement – We are called to be the visible representatives of Christ, ambassadors of hope if you will. Psalm 34:18 says the Lord is close to the brokenhearted, but often the Lord sends us in person on His behalf.  Sometimes we don’t have words, but our presence is all that is required.

4.     Tasks of Encouragement – Sometimes we ask, what can I do to help and the person has no idea what to say. I came home a few years back to find that Christmas lights had been put up in our trees in front of the house. While that may not sound like much, it was a huge encouragement to me. Perhaps you can rock a baby while a mother sleeps, take a person to the doctor that needs a ride, or help with some yard work.

5.     Gifts of Encouragement – God loves a cheerful giver according to 2 Corinthians 9:6-7. Sometimes the gifts we are able to give are not big, but they are from the heart. We have had several friends that have brought us small gifts after going on a trip that were meaningful to us because they were personal. A gift of a meal or cake can really raise spirits.

6.     Ears of Encouragement – Sometimes we simply need someone to just listen. Life can be hard and we can deceive ourselves into thinking that we are alone in our battles. Perhaps you can sit and listen to a person hurting.

7.     Prayers of Encouragement – Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 1:11 “You help us by your prayers.” I believe in the power of prayer. To know that my church family are lifting me or those I love up in prayer is a great encouragement. Our prayers don’t have to be long or elaborate, but they do need to be filled with faith and heart.

Please pray about joining this much needed group. Our members and visitors need our encouragement. The first meeting will be Wednesday, August 19th at 6:30 in the fellowship hall.