Most evenings I have something to do that takes me away from the house, this is simply part of life. Today when I picked up my little girl, Karis, from the babysitters she ran to the door and jumped up and down and yelled, "daddy, daddy" and hugged me. She does this nearly every time I pick her up. When we got home I needed to leave right then to get to a prayer meeting. She burst into tears and cried for me to stay with her. She said, "I love you daddy, I want to play with you, I want to talk with you." I cherish these times because I know they will not last, there will come a time when she does not cry for me to stay with her, but rather she will want to go be with other people.
It got me thinking, I wonder if that is how God feels about us? Are we overjoyed to simply be in His presence? Do we long to talk with Him? Are we bothered to the point of tears when we are not in His presence? Have we gotten to the point in our spiritual lives in which we would rather be with other people or do other things? Jesus said we have to be converted and be like a little child to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 18:3). Where there are more than one level of meaning for that text, perhaps one meaning is we must learn to love the Father the way a child loves a caring, protective, loving father.