Thursday, February 28, 2013

The Lord bless you and keep you

The people of Israel were about to go into battle and God blessed them through Aaron with these words:
Never forget the Lord wants to bless us, and He wants to keep us (protect us). The Lord wants give you pleasure (His face shine upon you). He wants to give us unmerited favor (grace) and love us (lift up His conductance upon us). He wants to give us peace (total well being).

Notice God often uses us to bless others. It was through the voice of Aaron this blessing was given and it is through the voice and actions of others that you have often been blessed. The challenge today is threefold: how can you bless others today, how have you been blessed by God, and how can you seek the blessing of God today?

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

The God of Opportunities

February 28, 2013            Num 3:40–4:49, Mark 6:1–29, Ps 30:1–6, Prov 6:6–7

Numbers 3:40-4:49
As we read the jobs given to people by the Lord please understand that every job we do for the Lord is vital. No task is trivial when it is for the Lord. God gave some bigger jobs than others, but one will not function without the other. The work of the Lord is a matter of life and death.

Mark 6:1-29
We all fear rejection and it is hurts all the more in your hometown. However, as is often the case, it is difficult for those who have known us our whole lives to take us seriously. At the age of 30 Jesus began His ministry. His own home congregation rejected Him (Luke 4:29). Here a year later they were amazed at His teachings and His power, but they were offended by Him. This is very sad to say the least. I have often I if Jesus had a hard time being taken serious because of His age? Jesus marveled at their unbelief. I wonder how often we lose out on blessings from God due to our arrogance and unbelief?

Jesus gave His disciples the opportunity to share the Good News. Do realize we have been given this same honor; let us not miss out on the opportunity.

Our pride leads to all kinds of sins. John spoke the truth and it got him killed. We must not fear to say the truth for God is the justifier of the just. Herod had the opportunity to repent and come to God, rather he killed John.

Psalm 30:1-6
David was able to look back upon his life and see the grace of God. He knew that while times may be tough God will make a way. Do you have this kind of faith?

Proverbs 6:6-8
We can learn much from nature. Ants are hard workers and thus do not starve. We too must work to be successful in life. We live in a world that tries to do as little as they can get away with, but God calls us to do our best.
The Lord gives many opportunities, pray about what God is calling you to do. 

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Matthew 12:36-37 scares me, does it you?

There are some verses that should scare us, if we are going to be honest with ourselves. Matthew 12:36-37 is an example because it is very challenging. Jesus said, “I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the Day of Judgment. For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.” James says, “If anyone among you thinks he is religious, and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this one’s religion is useless.”

Consider today how you have used your words, your tone of voice, and your body language. Have you brought people closer to God? Have you considered your words before you said them?
Imagine all the words you said this day were played back to you. What would you hear? Confess to the Lord the sins of your mouth. Then, receive God’s gift of forgiveness. 

Ephesians 4:29 says to, “Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers.” Let this be the challenge for tomorrow for you, consider if your silence would be more edifying to those around you, rather than words that may be ill considered? (Look up Job 13:5, it makes me laugh, but it is true often.)

Here are the texts for the last few days. I have been too busy for my own good.

February 25, 2013            Lev 26–27, Mark 4:21–41, Ps 28, Prov 5:21–23
February 26, 2013            Num 1, Mark 5:1–24, Ps 29:1–4, Prov 6:1–2
February 27, 2013            Num 2:1–3:39, Mark 5:25–43, Ps 29:5–11, Prov 6:3–5

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Silence and Solitude

Why do we find silence and solitude so difficult? Why is it we seem to think we always have to have sound and entertainment all around us. For most even sitting in a car with no sound is difficult. These are are a few of the questions we will discuss in class tomorrow. I am excited to be able to lead the discussion with some great students at MACU. 

A few quotes to make us think: 
           Dietrich Bonheoffer notes, “we are so afraid of silence that we chase ourselves from one event to the next in order not to have to spend a moment alone with ourselves, in order not to have to look at ourselves in the mirror”

            He also said in Life Together, “Let him who cannot be alone beware of community . . . Let him who is not in community beware of being alone . . . Each by himself has profound pitfalls and perils. One who wants fellowship without solitude plunges into the void of words and feelings, and one who seeks solitude without fellowship perishes in the abyss of vanity, self-infatuation, and despair.”

Nouwen teaches that the purpose of solitude is to:
Get rid of my scaffolding: no friends to talk with, no telephone calls to make, no meetings to attend, no music to entertain, no books to distract, just me—naked, vulnerable, weak, sinful, deprived, broken—nothing…a nothingness so dreadful that everything in me wants to run to my friends, my work, and my distractions…the task is to persevere in my solitude, to stay in my cell until all my seductive visitors get tired of pounding on my door and leave me alone. (Nouwen 1981, 17-18) 

            Antony said, “He who sits in solitude and is quiet has escaped from three wars: hearing, speaking, seeing: yet against one thing shall he continually battle: that is, his own heart” (Waddell 1998, 69).  


Saturday, February 23, 2013

Prepare for worship

As you prepare for worship in the morning, please do just that; prepare your heart and soul for worship. Come to worship with an expectation that God is going to move and you are going to be molded more into the image of Christ. Come to worship with joyful, celebrating heart that is full of awe and adoration. Come ready to hear God’s Word and to sing praises. I believe a primary reason we do not get out of worship what we believe we should is often our hearts and minds are not ready to worship when we arrive. If we are looking for reasons to complain about the worship, the building, the dress of others, the temperature, the sermon, the communion meditation, the kids or whatever we will find things reasons to complain. However, if we come with love in our heart for God and for people we are much more likely to show hospitality and grace to those around us and worship the One above us with a pure heart.

Here is the texts for today and tomorrow:

February 23, 2013            Lev 23–24, Mark 3:13–35, Ps 27:1–6, Prov 5:16–17
February 24, 2013            Lev 25, Mark 4:1–20, Ps 27:7–14, Prov 5:18–20

Friday, February 22, 2013

Lord of the Sabbath

February 22, 2013            Lev 21–22, Mark 2:18–3:12, Ps 26:5–12, Prov 5:13–15

Leviticus 21-22
The priests in general, and the high priest in particular, were to maintain the highest standards of character and conduct; and they were never to offer sacrifices that were below standard. The idea is with great spiritual privileges are duty comes great responsibility and standards of conduct and character.  In this, they pictured our Lord Jesus Christ, the perfect High Priest and the perfect sacrifice (Heb. 7:26–28; 10:1–14). They also challenge God’s people as priests (1 Peter 2:5, 9) and sacrifices (Rom. 12:1) to give their very best to God.
The theme is the holy character and conduct of God’s servants as they minister to the Lord and His people. God warns that, as we serve Him, we not profane ourselves (21:5), God’s name (21:6; 22:2), God’s sanctuary (21:12), our children (21:15), or the holy things that we handle in ministry (22:15).

Mark 2:18-3:12
Why were the religious leaders bothered that Jesus’ disciples were not fasting?
In what ways were Jesus’ teachings and presence like new wine?

There are times that human need is more important than religious practice. What are some modern examples?

Chapter 3
Why was Jesus angry? What are things that should make us angry, but we can maintain our purity?
It is clear that many followed Jesus personal gain. They wanted healing or a free meal or to experience the excitement, but they were not for the spiritual nourishment. Do you think this is still the case with many today?

Psalm 26:5-12
David ends his prayer in faith as if God has already answered it. Do you often pray with this type of faith?

Proverbs 5:13-15
What does, “Drink water from your own cistern, And running water from your own well.” mean?

Pray today as a priest of God that you can live a life worthy of the calling you have received. Ask God to reveal where you are falling short.

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Be Holy, for I am holy

Today Ryan and I had he privilege of eating with several of our students from the congregation that are attending ECU. Their potential is huge and their enthusiasm is wonderful. Pray for them as they seek to live for he Lord while in college.

February 21, 2013            Lev 19–20, Mark 2:1–17, Ps 26:1–4, Prov 5:10–12

Leviticus 19-20
God says, “Be holy, for I am holy.” Do you take this seriously?
The first 7 verses deal with honoring God (by honoring your parents you honor the authority of God). The next section deals with loving your neighbor. Verse 18 says we are to, “love your neighbor as yourself.”
Verses 25-31 deal with the customs of pagan worship, we must be cautious applying all of these regulations to today (clipping the sides of the head or beard for instance).
Chapter 20 deals with the penalties for the sins described in the previous chapter.

Mark 2:1-17
The man’s friends brought him to Jesus for healing. How do you help your friends in need? What friends do you need to bring to Jesus?
Jesus referred to Himself as the Son of man, read Daniel 7 to see the full meaning of this title.
Why were the religious leaders so upset?
Why was the calling of Matthew such a big deal? Why were tax collectors so looked down upon? What would be a modern equivalent?
For whom did Jesus come to earth?

Psalm 26:1-4
David asks for God to vindicate him. I think we all know what feels like. Part of life, and especially leadership, is people will be upset with us, slander us, and even lie about us. So often there is nothing we can do about it, but we can pray.
David asks God to examine him, prove him, and try him. Would you have the confidence to ask God to do the same to you?

Proverbs 5:10-12
When we enter into sexual sin often we will lose wealth and health.
End the end we will regret our choices.

Pray about how you can help your friends to come to Jesus.
We are called to be holy for God is holy. Pray about where you lacking in holiness.
Jesus was a friend to sinners, are you? Pray about what it means to remain holy and yet bring people to Jesus. 

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Who is your scapegoat?

February 20, 2013            Lev 16–18, Mark 1:21–45, Ps 25:16–22, Prov 5:8–9

We use the term scapegoat in common English to mean someone that takes the blame for something. In politics this is used often in a very negative concatenation. The term is used here in Leviticus and is used of Christ. Do you have a spiritual scapegoat that takes the punishment for your sins? Only the Lamb of God will suffice. 

Leviticus 16-18
Chapter 16 deals with the Day of Atonement, read Hebrews 10 to see the significance for the Christian.
The High Priest had to be alone, just as Christ could only go to the cross by Himself. The priest had to lay aside his glorious garments just as Jesus did when He came to earth (Phil. 2:1-11). The priest had to wash, Jesus of course was sinless however He was baptized for fulfill all righteousness. The priest had to offer a sin offering for himself, Jesus of course was the only one that did not have to do this (Heb. 7:23-28). The priest then entered the holy of holies three times: first, with incense; then, with blood from the sacrifice for himself; last, with the blood shed for the people. Jesus first prayed, then he offered Himself for us on the cross.

What is a scapegoat? Read Psalm 103:12; in what way did Jesus do this for us?

Chapter 17
Why did God demand the blood of animals?
Why did matter where the sacrifice was offered?

Chapter 18
We are under the authority of God and thus He has standards for us to follow to be holy. He first talks about sexual relations outside of marriage and what damage they can do. Why do you think this has always been such a problem for humanity?

Mark 1:21-45
We see here Jesus has authority over demons and sickness.
Even the demons admitted He was the Son of God, however that did not save them James 2:19.
Why did Jesus preform miracles?

Psalm 25:16-22
David was very far from perfect, he sinned often and with terrible consequences; however we do see over and over again he asks for forgiveness and is given it. How can you follow in his example?

Proverbs 5:8-9
We are warned to stay away from that which tempts us. What tempts you and how can you hedge against the effects of this temptation?

Praise God that Jesus’ sacrifice was sufficient for all people and for all time.
Jesus has authority overall, for He is Lord over all. What areas of your life do you need to give over to Him?
Where do you need to pray for forgiveness and where do you need to pray for spiritual protection?

Tomorrow Ryan and I are going to visit our students at East Carolina University, pray that we can encourage them and bless them.
Please pray that I can know how best to use my time, I do not waste much time, but there is always much to do and that means someone’s perceived or real need is not being met by me. Pray that God gives me wisdom, that God provides shepherds for the flock, and that people would realize that their Elders and other visitors from the congregation can minister to them (sometimes much better than I).

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Cleansing From The Lord

February 19, 2013            Lev 14–15, Mark 1:1–20, Ps 25:7–15, Prov 5:5–7

Leviticus 14-15
Chapters 13-14 deal with leprosy. Notice how leprosy can be compared to sin:
1.      It is deeper than the skin (13:3)
2.      It spreads (13:7); James 1:13-15
3.      It defiles (13:44-46)
4.      It causes separation (13:46)
5.      The end result is fire (13:52)

Chapter 14 deals with the ceremonial cleansing of lepers.
1.      The priest had to go to the leper (14:2), in the same way we are called to go to the sinners and Christ did this to save us (Hebrews 13:10-13; Luke 19:10)
2.      A sacrifice is offered by the priest on behalf of the afflicted (14:4-7), consider what Christ has done as explained in Hebrews 9:22
3.      The leper is to wash (14:8-9), we too are called to be baptized
4.      The leper offers sacrifices in gratitude to God (14:10-13), when we find forgiveness we too should offer the sacrifice of praise and our whole selves to God (Rom. 12:1-2)
5.      The priest applies blood and oil to the man (his ear, thumb, and big toe). (14:14-20) This was to symbolize his whole body belongs to God. He was to listen to God’s Word, work for the Lord with hands, and walk with God all his days. The oil represents the anointing of the Spirit.

Chapter 15 deals with ceremonial purification in regard to sexual organs (males are addressed in 1-18 and women the rest of the chapter).

Mark 1:1-20
The word Gospel means “good news” and it is for everyone. Mark’s Gospel is simple and to the point. Jesus is the long awaited Savior of the world. Malachi ended speaking of the coming forerunner and Mark begins there with John the Baptist.

John’s role was to prepare the way for the coming of the Lord. In what way are you preparing the way for people to encounter Christ?
What was the purpose of the baptism of Jesus? Why were you baptized?
As we read this account it goes very quick because Mark wants to get to the main point of this writing, the crucifixion and resurrection.

Psalm 25:7-15
David asks God to overlook “the sins of my youth,” i.e., the failures, errors, and lapses; the thoughtless transgressions of youth. We all act like a fool in youth and need to ask for God’s forgiveness and wisdom to grow up for some never grow up.
A key word in this section is humility. How does one develop and maintain a spirit of humility? The other phrase in this section is the fear of the Lord. What does that look like in a humble person?

Proverbs 5:5-7          
This whole section deals with the dangers of adultery. Most understand it is wrong and there are major consequences, however it happens a whole lot. Why? How can protect from falling into this sin?

What sins do you need to repent of today?
How can you prepare the way for the Lord today?
Pray for strength to maintain your walk with God.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Things I have learned so far today and two days texts

I had the grand idea of making coffee for my class this morning. I got cups, freshly ground coffee, four kinds of creamer, a coffee maker, and a large coffee pot for good measure. Where I messed up was by not bringing the lid to the coffee pot. Turns out it will not brew right without it. The filter fills with coffee and does not drip out. Makes a mess and the coffee is not so good. 

It is amazing how something so small as the top of the coffee lid is so important for the operation of the machine. The same could be said for the church. All it takes is one person not there or not doing their job and we have noticeable problems. 

For instance if someone does not show up in the nursery it is noticed and someone has to fill in at the last moment. If a teacher does not make it, the class is in a frenzy. If the man running the soundboard is not there it causes issues. If one of the musicians isn't there it is noticeable. If the doors are not unlocked or the heat is not turned on we have an issue. If the security team is not in place there is a need not met. I could go on and on, but the point is God has called us to work together as a team and when we do it is great. When we don't or someone is missing it is not fun. 

I thank God for those that do all the jobs that most don't notice (communion prep, getting the bulletin together, the counters on Monday morning, the ladies that volunteer in the office, the men that help keep the building in working order, those praying for us as we worship up in the prayer room, those taking communion to the shut-ins and those doing the service that nursing home). Without these people I could not do what I do with effectiveness. 

Well, when it was all said and done I did get the class coffee and I think they liked it. No one fell asleep which is a plus. 

Yesterday's and today's texts are:
February 17, 2013            Leviticus  11–12, Matthew 27:45–66, Psalm 24:5–10, Proverbs 5:1–2
February 18, 2013            Leviticus  13, Matthew 28, Psalm 25:1–6, Proverbs 5:3–4

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Some thoughts and two days texts

Time is not always plentiful enough for me to accomplish all I intend. On the bright side, Crystal got home last night (got her home about 2 AM). Hearing her and Karis play as I work is a beautiful sound. Right now Crystal is reading her a book (Mr. Brown) it has lots of sound effects, Karis likes that. I suspect if I used more sound effects and voices with my preaching people would like it too? 

As I waited on her last night (her flight was delayed) I waited in the airport and watched people greet one another as they got off the plane. Lots of flowers and balloons. It made me think about heaven. I can't wait to sit back and watch the reunions that will happen in heaven. It was be wonderful. 

Here is yesterday and today's texts.
February 15, 2013            Lev 7–8, Matt 27:1–25, Ps 23, Prov 4:23–24
February 16, 2013            Lev 9–10, Matt 27:26–44, Ps 24:1–4, Prov 4:25–27

Thursday, February 14, 2013

No Greater Love

February 14, 2013            Lev 4–6, Matt 26:57–75, Ps 22:22–31, Prov 4:20–22

Leviticus 4-6
Chapter 4 explains the sin offering, which was for unintentional sins, rather than deliberate disobedience.  We cannot plead ignorance before a holy God. Jesus is our sin offering according to Luke 23:34, Acts 3:17, and Hebrews 10:1-14. Praise be to God that Jesus died once for all.

Chapter 5 described the trespass offering. When we sin it does harm others. Read 1 John 1:9 and claim that promise.

Chapter 6 gives special instructions for the sacrifices.
The fire was to never to be allowed to go out. What is the spiritual application here?

Matthew 26:57-75
We see Jesus’ trial before the High Priest and Peter’s denial of Christ in this text. 
Does this trial seem fair? How does Jesus conduct Himself? What can we learn from this?
Why does Peter do what he does here?

Psalm 22:22-31
While the Cross should bring us to tears of pain, it should also bring us tears of joy and thankfulness. The psalm changes its tone here to reflect that a victory has been won.
Here the mood of the psalm changes. Christ’s victory over death is the occasion of great joy. After the suffering of the cross, Christ rejoined his disciples (Matt 28:10; John 20:17). The author of Hebrews applies this verse to the Savior. He identifies the assembly of this verse as the church (Heb 2:11ff).

The resurrection was the answer to Christ’s calls for deliverance. He was not delivered from death, but was triumphant over death. This leads us to worship the Lord for His victory.

Proverbs 4:20-22
Do you take God’s word into your heart and cherish it?

Praise God today for His love.
Praise Him for the Cross and for His victory in the Resurrection. 

God's Valentine To Us

It is difficult to comprehend the love of God. God loves us because He loves us, because He loves us. God showed this with the story of Hosea and Gomer. 1 John 4 tells us we know what love is because Jesus showed us on the cross. As we consider love on this Valentines Day, consider the love God has for you. The love of God is a costly love, let us follow in this example today.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Sacrifice Of Christ

February 13, 2013            Lev 1–3, Matt 26:36–56, Ps 22:15–21, Prov 4:17–19

Leviticus 1-3
You might be thinking as you open up the book of Leviticus, “Why do I care about this book?” or perhaps, “Should I just skim this book?”
The truth is there is some real good information in this book that is applicable to us today. I am planing to do two sermons from this book over the next two weeks just to prove the point.
The key word in Leviticus is holiness. In this book we will learn about sacrifice. Sin has consequences and a sacrifice is needed. There are five types of sacrifices given: burnt, grain, peace, sin and trespass offerings.

The book will also teach us about what holiness looks like. Third, we will learn about Christ through this book.
Through the burnt offering we will see Jesus was the perfect dedication to God (John 10:17; Rom. 5:19; Heb. 10:10). Through the grain offering we see Jesus had perfect character (Eph. 5:2). Through the peace offering we learn about the peace between God and man and Jew and Gentile that Christ brings (Rom. 5:1; Eph. 2:14, 17; Col. 1:20). Through the sin offering we see that Jesus took the place of our sins on the cross (2 Cor. 5:17; 1 Peter 2:4). Finally, through the trespass offering we learn how Jesus paid the debt for our sins (Luke 7:36-50).

In these three chapters we deal with the first of the three offerings. Read Hebrews 10:1-14 for more information of how these apply to Christ (and look at the verses above).

Matthew 26:36-56
The prayer time in Gethsemane is recorded in all four Gospels with each giving a little more information.
As you read through this account what stands out to you? What is the cup Jesus speaks of here?

The betrayal of Jesus is sickening to read and imagine, however it was foretold and used by God in a mighty way. Never fear where you are doing the will of the Lord, for in the end the reward is there for the faithful.
How would you have responded if you had been there?

Psalm 22:15-21
As you read this Psalm what parallels do you see with the death of Christ?

Proverbs 4:17-19
The reference is to the full splendor of noon time, which here seems to represent that eternal day into which the righteous enter at the conclusion of life. The verse illustrates the gradual growth and increase of the righteous in knowledge, holiness and joy as they proceed along the path of wisdom (4:18–19). How is your journey going?
Pray today about all that Christ has done for you.
Say a prayer for Ryan Dent too as he has a stomach bug and could not make it to church today. 

Things I've learned or have been reinforced in the last 12 hours or so:

Things I've learned or have been reinforced in the last 12 hours or so:
1. Turns out if a bulldog eats diaper cream it will make them vomit a whole lot and then have diarrhea.
2. Not fun trying to get diaper cream out of carpet (I will try again later today)
3. When a baby vomits up a bottle of milk it is  hard to get out of carpet (I will try again later today)
4. When a beautiful bulldog gets sick it is hard to clean it out of carpet (I will try again later, and she is in the laundry room doing better)
5. Diaper rash is a bad thing
6. Sleep is a wonderful thing when you can get it (Karis is convinced I only need 4 hours, and those four hours do not have to be in a row)
7. It would be nice to know where my wallet is, it has so much in it I need. Perhaps the baby hid it, perhaps the dog hid it, perhaps I never made it home with it and some nice man or woman is enjoying spending my money? Who knows? Since my wife is in Las Vegas she needs the credit cards (for food not gambling and she is there for work) so I can't cancel them right now
8. My patience level has grown so very much. I have not lost my temper at all about any of this, such is life can't help it. Pray as if it is all up to God and work as if it is all up to me (thank Mr. Martin Luther).
9. I do not like when my wife has to be out of town for work and I will be very happy when she is back on Saturday.
10. It is easier to pray when you are near your wits end
11. In the whole scheme of things all is well. My child is healthy, my dog will survive, I have a house to clean,  even if someone were to spend my money it is just money (and its was God's money anyways, He just let me use it), I have a wife I love and miss when she is gone, I have a job (two jobs really) that I have a passion to do and I think I  have job security (though who ever knows these days), as far as I know there are only a few people upset with me at the moment, I have wonderful babysitters (Pam and Kenny) that will love and care for my baby today, and Nancy (my wonderful office manager) brought me Starbucks.

Yesterday's text were: February 12, 2013, Exodus 39:22–40:38, Matthew 26:14–35, Psalm 22:8–14, Proverbs 4:15–16
I had intended to work on these last night, but as you can see my plans did not work out. I hope to have some thoughts about today's texts later in the day. We shall see. Be blessed my friends. 

Monday, February 11, 2013

Giving God Our Best

February 11, 2013            Exod 37:1–39:21, Matt 25:31–26:13, Ps 22:1–7, Prov 4:12–14

Exodus 37:1-39:21
Counting the mercy seat with its guardian cherubim as one distinct piece, seven articles of furniture adorned the Tabernacle and its court.
1.              The ark (37:1–5) was made of acacia wood overlaid inside and out with pure gold. The ark was small, forty-five inches long and twenty-seven inches wide.
2.              The mercy seat (KJV) or atonement (NIV) was constructed atop the ark. This sacred spot was overshadowed by the wings of two cherubim of hammered gold. The cherubim faced each other with faces turned downward toward the mercy seat (37:6–9).
3.              The table (37:10–16) was positioned in the Holy Place. It was made of acacia wood overlaid with pure gold. All the vessels associated with the table—plates, bowls, ladles and pitchers—were also made of pure gold.
4.              The lampstand (37:17–23) which adorned the Holy Place was one solid piece of hammered gold.
5.              The altar of incense (37:25–29) was also a furnishing of the Holy Place. It was made of acacia wood overlaid with gold.
6.              The altar of burnt offering was made of acacia wood overlaid with bronze.
7.              The second piece of furniture in the courtyard was the bronze laver (35:8).
We are also told of the amount of precious metals used:
Gold—twenty-nine talents and 730 shekels, or about 1,900 pounds.
Silver—a hundred talents and 1,775 shekels, or 6,437 pounds.
Bronze—seventy talents, 2,400 shekels, or about 4,522 pounds.
Last in this section we are told of the sacred garments:
1. The ephod (39:2–7) was a sleeveless garment made of linen and various colored yarn.
2. The breastplate (39:8–21) was made of the same cloth combination as the ephod.

What is the purpose of all these lists?
Does God deserve our best? Do we give it to Him or only our leftovers?

Matthew 25:31-26:13
Throughout time people have longed for true, lasting, fair judgment. We believe that God will set all things right at the end of the time. The scene we see here is God setting all things right. In the Middle East, to this day, sheep and goats regularly graze together, but need to be separated at night so that the goats, being less hardy, can be kept warm. So what is the scene about?
At one level it is about the ‘last judgment’. The scene is the climax of a long sermon in which Jesus has criticized his own people, especially the religious leaders, for their failure to live as God’s people should.
What is key point of this text?
How do you treat others?

Chapter 26
We see an act of selfless love here. Why were some of the disciples upset with what she had done? Would you be upset?
True love is costly. What have you given to the Lord?

Psalm 22:1-7
The New Testament makes it clear that this is talking about Jesus. Where do you see the Lord Jesus in these verses?

Proverbs 4:12-14
What does it mean to walk the way of the wicked?
Are you holding onto wisdom or walking the way of the wicked?

Pray about what you have and will give to the Lord.
Pray about how you treat others and how that will be seen by the Lord at Judgment.
Pray through Psalm 22:1-7 and praise God for His sacrifice. 

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Great Day and Looking Forward to Tomorrow

The texts for February 10, 2013 are Exodus 35:20–36:38, Matt 25:14–30, Psalm 21:6–13, Proverbs 4:10–11
I hope your Sunday was as good as mine. We had two baptisms this morning (Liz and Stephen) and Roxanne placed her membership.
The kids sang and served it was wonderful. Joshua Beuno preached, it was a great day. Looking forward to a great day tomorrow. It is great to look forward to Mondays.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Transformed from glory to glory

February 09, 2013            Exod 34:1–35:19, Matt 24:45–25:13, Ps 21:1–5, Prov 4:8–9

Exodus 34:1-35:19
Read 2 Corinthians 3 for a better understanding of the spiritual lesson here, there are many lessons taught there.

Chapter 35
2 Corinthians 9:6-8 says the Lord loves a cheerful giver. Are you a cheerful giver?

Matthew 24:45-25:13
Two parables are told here with the same purpose. What is the meaning of these parables?
When Jesus left earth to go back to His Father he left the church to do His work. How will the Master find His servants when He returns?

Psalm 21:1-5
The prayers of Psalm 20 have been answered. The victory has been won and David rejoices in His Lord and His strength which has been shown on the battlefield. The victory shows to all that God is sovereign, He rules all.

God blessed David with descendants that would carry on his life forever. What a blessing godly offspring are before the Lord. 21:4–5.

Proverbs 4:8-9
The promise of true dignity for those that have wisdom is given here. Would you say you have real dignity through godly wisdom?

Pray that you will be conformed into the image of Christ. Pray about what you can do to position yourself for spiritual growth.
Pray about your giving, do you do it with faith and a cheerful heart?
The Lord left us a mission to accomplish while He was gone, how are we doing? What can we do better?

Friday, February 8, 2013

“Some trust in chariots, and some in horses; but we will remember the name of the LORD our God.”

February 08, 2013            Exod 32–33, Matt 24:27–44, Ps 20, Prov 4:5–7

Exodus 32-33
This has to be one of the saddest stories in all of Exodus if not the Bible. Why do you think the people forsake God so quickly?
Why do you think Aaron joined in their sins?
What does this teach us about the nature of God?
What do we learn about the heart of Moses?
Notice that Moses was more concerned about the reputation of God than himself. Could the same be said about you?
On the other hand notice how Aaron tries to blame others (Moses, the people, and the furnace). We must learn to admit our sins and seek forgiveness.
Moses offered his own soul for the people (see Romans 9:3), how much did he love the people?
To lead people we must learn love in a strong way.

Chapter 33
Why did the people mourn in verse 4?
What was the instruction that God gave them? How could this apply to us today?
The tent was put outside the camp, what is the symbolism here?
It says that Moses met with God face to face as a friend. Consider for a moment what this must have been like. Now consider that we come to the throne of grace through Christ today.

When it speaks of Moses seeing the Lord’s back it means the afterglow after the Lord passed by him.

Matthew 24:27-44
Jesus gives several ideas about the second coming. He quotes from Isaiah and the meaning has to do with total upheaval socially and politically
The key thing is to be ready for His coming. No man will know the time, but we all must be ready. Are you ready if he comes today?

Psalm 20
The key verse of this Psalm is verse 7, “Some trust in chariots, and some in horses; but we will remember the name of the LORD our God.”
What or who do you put your trust in?

Proverbs 4:5-7
In what ways can wisdom protect and preserve you?
Praise the Lord for His grace and His intervention.
Following in the example of Moses intercede for someone that needs it today.
Pray about your state of readiness for the Second Coming.