Saturday, February 23, 2013

Prepare for worship

As you prepare for worship in the morning, please do just that; prepare your heart and soul for worship. Come to worship with an expectation that God is going to move and you are going to be molded more into the image of Christ. Come to worship with joyful, celebrating heart that is full of awe and adoration. Come ready to hear God’s Word and to sing praises. I believe a primary reason we do not get out of worship what we believe we should is often our hearts and minds are not ready to worship when we arrive. If we are looking for reasons to complain about the worship, the building, the dress of others, the temperature, the sermon, the communion meditation, the kids or whatever we will find things reasons to complain. However, if we come with love in our heart for God and for people we are much more likely to show hospitality and grace to those around us and worship the One above us with a pure heart.

Here is the texts for today and tomorrow:

February 23, 2013            Lev 23–24, Mark 3:13–35, Ps 27:1–6, Prov 5:16–17
February 24, 2013            Lev 25, Mark 4:1–20, Ps 27:7–14, Prov 5:18–20

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