Thursday, May 29, 2014

One of my dreams last night

My dreams are very vivid. I see, hear, smell, and experience it as if it is reality. Sometimes when I wake I have to really concentrate to discern if what I dreamed really happened or was simply a dream. Last night’s dream does not take a lot of discernment to know it was a dream, but it was a good one.

In the dream I was visiting dad at the nursing home, but he had metamorphosed into Morgan Freeman. We discussed world politics, the North Korean regime, and personally cults throughout history in a rather academic way. It was a great conversation based upon mutual respect and a desire to learn and deliberate. Three things come to mind as I reflect upon the dream.

Morgan Freeman
First, Morgan Freeman has a really cool voice and is fun to talk in my dream. We laughed, argued, and then wrote up our findings for publication in an academic journal. (I’m currently working very hard on my dissertation, so that explains that.) Having said that, dad is not like Morgan Freeman and I suspect if he were to choose who would play him in a movie or my dream it would be Charles Bronson or maybe Sylvester Stallone.
Charles Bronson
Dad with my niece Audrey a few years back

Second, while at first impression dad may not show it, he can be very insightful. He did some short story writing and was an avid reader at one point. Coal miners in general want to portray themselves as tough guys, and they are, but behind the tough exterior there is surprising wisdom.  I do not get to see dad often at all anymore. When I do it is normally a quick visit with my little girl and bulldog in tow, which he loves. I realize I need to make the time to talk with him and record some of his thoughts that he never got around to putting on paper.

Third, personality cults are dangerous and destructive. This is true in nation states like North Korea of today, Germany under Hitler, Rome under Augustus, or anytime we put an individual on a level reserved for the Divine. It is true in churches too. Paul warned the Corinthians not to say they follow Peter, Apollos, or even him, but only that they follow Christ (1 Cor. 3:3-9). We have all seen where congregations have made the mistake of exalting an individual at the cost of long term health of the congregation and often division among the body of Christ. This is heartbreaking and altogether wrong. Three keys to keeping this from happing are:

1. Keep our eyes on Jesus, sounds easy but can be a challenge; 2. Have a plurality of leadership that never allows one individual to have too much control or influence; and 3. Always be raising up new leaders with the right attitude and focus.

Anyways, just some thoughts this morning as I am working on several things. Have a wonderful day.

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