Sunday, December 27, 2015

Stars Wars was really cool, let's do it again, sure why not?

There are no midichlorians, no Jar Jar, no senate speeches, no weird bad chemistry forced relationships, no over the top CGI, and they didn’t kill the cool villain in the first movie (like in Episode 1) and that is all good. Yes there are desert worlds, quests, droids, Skywalkers, the Millennium Falcon, lightsabers, and other such elements we want to see. I love that it is a return to original feel. I also love a few of the new characters, there is a strong female lead and this new/old universe now has people of color, that's cool. It is fast paced with great concepts and potential.

On the negative it relied too much on the original story. I can imagine J. J. Abrams and his writing group sitting around brainstorming what to do with this movie. Hey I have an idea, I loved the originals, I mean who didn’t? So let’s take our favorite parts and just redo it with different characters. Like what? Well, Vader is the coolest villain ever, so lets get a fanboy wannabe, sure why not? Let have him have a black mask too, sure why not? Hey everybody loves R2D2, so let’s bring him back, but let's get a new one too that is real cute and smart, sure why not? Hey why we are at it let’s have him carrying vital information and put him a desert planet, sure why not? Hey let’s have the Vader wannabe arrive on the scene shortly after that information is handed off looking for the droid, sure why not? Hey let's have that guy and some storm troopers kill a village why we are at it, sure why not? Hey it was a cool scene when Darth Vader tortured the hero, let’s do that again, sure why not? Hey let’s let one of our heros be from that same planet and be strong in the force, but not know about it yet, sure why not? Hey we had Obi Wan teach them, we need an old wise guy to teach right, how about using Han Solo, everyone loves Han right, sure why not? Hey it was fun how Han was always in trouble with a criminal element right, so let’s do that again, sure why not? Oh and remember in the originals Obi Wan died at the hand of Vader, well how about our new wise one dies at the hand of the new Vader, sure why not? Oh and remember how Luke had to watch it from a distance and could do nothing to stop it, well let’s do that again too what do you say, sure why not? Hey do you remember there was a military leader in the originals (Tarkin) that was equal to Vader in authority, but could not use the force? We need someone like that again this time, let’s call him General Hux, sure why not? Hey we need an cantina scene with some cool looking aliens, sure why not? I loved that they introduced the Emperor as a big, mysterious hologram and that was cool, let's do that again with the new really bad guy, sure why not? Hey remember that time that Obi Wan used the force to get a stormtrooper to do what he wanted, well we have to do that again right, sure why not? The death star was cool enough for two movies, why not a third; hey let's make it really big this time like a planet and why not blow it up too, using X Wings and monitored in a control room by Leia, sure why not?

Well you get the idea, but you know what? It was cool, so sure why not. I’d like to see it again and hope the next one is not just Luke training his apprentice in a weird planet like Yoda. Well, that was pretty cool and I miss Yoda, so why not?

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