Psalm 89 is a Psalm of Ethan the Ezrahite. This is a psalm about God's promises and loving kindness. God had promised to have a descendant of David on the throne forever. However, the author looked around and saw the city of David destroyed and no king was on the throne. Was it possible that God had forgotten His covenant with His people? In no way.
God's faithfulness had been seen from generation to generation. His people had seen His glory, the nations had seen His glory, His works demonstrated His glory, and creation itself demonstrates His glory. Ethan knew what God's Word said, but current events made him question his faith.
Do you ever feel this way? If so you are in good company (like Moses, Elijah, Habakkuk Peter, and many others). The ultimate fulfillment of God's promise is found in the person of Christ Jesus. He is the Son of David and the Son of God and He will reign forever. Surely, the faithfulness of God never fails.
We must be cautious to not judge the plans and intentions of God by current events. Cling to the words of 2 Corinthians 1:20, "For as many as are the promises of God, in Him they are yes; therefore also through Him is our Amen to the glory of God through us."
I like many of you look around this world and I see wars, I see poverty, I see injustice, I see evil, but I know my God is faithful. Maranatha, come Lord Jesus.
Here are this week's texts
July 30, 2013 Job 22–24, Acts 22:22–23:10, Ps
89:6–11, Prov 19:1–2
July 31, 2013 Job 25–28, Acts 23:11–35, Ps
89:12–20, Prov 19:3–4
August 01, 2013 Job 29–30, Acts 24:1–21, Ps
89:21–26, Prov 19:5–6
August 02, 2013 Job 31–32, Acts 24:22–25:12, Ps
89:27–33, Prov 19:7–9
August 03, 2013 Job 33–34, Acts 25:13–26:11, Ps
89:34–43, Prov 19:10–12
August 04, 2013 Job 35–37, Acts 26:12–32, Ps
89:44–52, Prov 19:13–14
August 05, 2013 Job 38:1–40:2, Acts 27:1–12, Ps
90:title–3, Prov 19:15–16
August 06, 2013 Job 40:3–42:17, Acts 27:13–44, Ps
90:4–10, Prov 19:17–19
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