Thursday, September 26, 2013

Extra thoughts from 2 Cor 6

Every week I feel like there is more to say. Here are some thoughts from 2 Corinthians 6.

Paul seems to have constantly been dealing with those that tried to destroy his ministry and witness. We will talk more about this in chapter 10 (this Sunday, how do we deal with criticism). A key theme for Paul's ministry was endurance. His endurance was not based upon his own strength, but the power of the Holy Spirit. Too often we try to rely on our strength only to find it lacking. When we rely on our strength, skills, energy, and wisdom we can never live up to the potential within us. For the Spirit within us is much stronger, wiser, powerful, and skilled than we can ever dream of being.

We are called as God's elect to affirm the Gospel regardless of circumstances or opinions of others. The truth of the Gospel stands in great contrast with the prevailing culture we live in today. The world may teach if it feels good and right to you it must be right (subjectivism and relativism), but the Gospel teaches there is absolute truth that is not based on our emotions or ever changing sensibilities. I think that sometimes I do not speak up because I do not want to be perceived as arrogant or I am afraid that I have not thought it out enough to speak up. While there is great wisdom in thinking before speaking, there does come a time to speak up. It is time to speak up about our witness for Christ. I do not envision standing on a soapbox condemning those that pass by. Rather, I envision the Church as the redeemed of God pleading with a dying world with love and service, following in the example of Christ. I dream that the people of God will apply the teachings of Christ to all spheres of life. When we show the world what real love is, I believe it will change our society. The power of our witness is seen in the changed lives we demonstrate daily.

Paul speaks of the Church as the Temple of God. When we encounter the Living God, the Holy One within the context of worship several things happen. First, we also encounter our own sinfulness. We understand that we have nothing to bring to God outside of His grace. Second, we encounter the grace of Calvary. Our security and foundation is found in the crucified Christ that died for our sins and conquered death through the Resurrection. Third, when we encounter the Living God it changes our view of others. No longer do we judge in the way others do. If we seek to judge ourselves by the measure of others we can always find someone we can feel superior to. However, if our example is Christ we all fall miserably short. Thus, we look at the lost and we do not feel superior, no, we feel a sense of urgency to help them experience the peace we have as the redeemed of God.  We as the Temple of God are held together through the love of Christ and the fear of God. We are the people of God, who are created by His Presence, for the purpose of worship and service.

We have an understanding of what God has done for us, thus we can live victoriously in the present because we know who God is and what He has done for us. We know what is coming in the future and thus we can live in hope in the present. While we learn from the past and look forward to the future, we live with purpose, faith, and joy in the present moment. We understand we cannot change the past or control the future. However, God has redeemed the past and secured the future, thus we can have peace in the present. Our ability to be obedient is dependant upon the past sacrifice of Christ, the present work of Spirit, and our desire to please Him.

What sets Christians apart from the world? It is not a sense of superiority, but a sense of humility and meekness. It is not a sense of entitlement, but a desire to serve others in the name of Christ. It is not a title, but testimony of forgiveness. We are called to live a life of faith that says God is all I need. To say I need a certain house or car or lawn or clothing or new phone or physical appearance or even relationship is in a real sense to deny the sufficiency of Christ in our lives. I don't need God and a better job, a vacation, a stable retirement plan, education, or whatever else. I simply need God to have contentment. God will give me what I need as I seek Him and work hard.

I pray that God can help us to encounter His glory today. May the Holy Spirit within us lead us to seek a life of holiness and love.

I know these are some random thoughts, sorry about that.

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