Saturday, February 2, 2013

Doing Good For Goodness Sake

February 02, 2013            Exod 20–21, Matt 21:23–46, Ps 18:25–34, Prov 3:25–27

Today is Groundhog Day. In Serbia they celebrate the presentation of Christ in the Temple on this day (Feb. 2nd by their calendar, the 10th by ours). Rather than a groundhog, they think a bear comes out of hibernation and if he sees his shadow he goes back to sleep for 40 more days. While these customs do not prove to be very accurate we know that God is in control and we praise Him all the more.

Several years back there was a silly movie called Groundhog Day. In the movie the man had to learn what the last verse we will look at today says, “Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in the power of your hand to do so.” While we cannot live over any day we have lived, let us learn from the days we have lived and live in the present moment with wisdom, purity, and love.

Exodus 20-21
As you read each of the 10 commandments, how does each apply to you today?
Which of these do you have the hardest time keeping?
How did Jesus summarize these commandments? (Matt. 22:37-39)

Chapter 21
What was the meaning of the pierced ear in their culture?

The basic concept with these laws is the punishment must fit the crime.
Read Matthew 5:38-42 to see what Jesus teaches us for today.
What do verses 22-23 teach us about God’s view of the unborn?

Matthew 21:23-46
The religious leaders tried to trick Jesus. How did He show His wisdom with his answer?
What is the meaning of the parable of the two sons?
What is the meaning of the parable of the land owner?
In what ways had the nation rejected God? Christ?
In what ways has our nation? You?

Psalm 18:25-34
David lists many things about how God is and what He does, what does he say?
How did this lead him to worship and how does it lead you to worship?

Proverbs 3:25-27
The Lord is to be our confidence. What do you find our confidence and significance in today?
We are to do good to those we can, do you do this?

Pray today about where you fall short in your pursuit of God.
List some attributes of God and praise Him for it.
Who can you show goodness to today?

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