Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The memory of the righteous will be a blessing

Evil is real. We are reminded of this often. We can deny it, ignore it, or fight it. While we do not know the details of motive behind the bombing in Boston, we do know the cost in human life and anguish. Throughout time there has been pain and suffering. Some caused by evil men and women that have made horrible choices with their free will. Others due to the fact we live in a fallen world. There are times we need pain in order to understand the danger that is before us (this event was not one of those times). Sometimes suffering can bring us closer to God and I believe Romans 8:28 to be a very valuable text for us to consider. I could go on, but join me as I pray for those that are suffering with loss today.

April 16, 2013            Judg 7–8, Luke 11:37–12:12, Ps 48:1–5, Prov 10:7–8
Judges 7-8
Can you relate to Gideon? Before he could conquer his foes he had to conquer his fears, then his feelings. His fear kept him for a time from doing his calling. His feelings nearly lead him to sin. Is the same true with you? What do you fear? Why? Do you control your feelings or do your feelings control you? See Proverbs 16:32.
Why is it that when we are at our highest emotionally that Satan has such success in tempting us?

Luke 11:37-12:12
Jesus says six woes to the Pharisees and Scribes. These religious men majored in trivialities but ignored what was really important. They loved to be recognized and honored by men but forgot about the honor that comes only from God. They glorified the past but would not help those around them who were needy. Instead, the religious leaders only made the burdens heavier for the common people. Jesus saw this kind of religious hypocrite as the murderer of the truly righteous (2 Chron. 24:20–27), and He knew that soon they would crucify Him.

The religious leaders not only did not enjoy the abundant life themselves, they kept others from entering in as well. It is one thing to reject the truth, but when we lead others to do the same their blood is upon our hands.

Have you been guilty or experienced these type of hypocrisies in your life?
How is hypocrisy like yeast?

Psalm 48:1-5
God is great and worthy of praise. In what ways is God great?
In what way was Jerusalem the joy of the whole earth?

Proverbs 10:7-8
The memory of the righteous is blessed,
      But the name of the wicked will rot.
When people remember you what will they remember?
The wise in heart will receive commands,
      But a prating fool will fall.
Which describes you better?

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