Monday, March 11, 2013

March 11, 2013 readings

March 11, 2013            Num 22:22–24:25, Mark 11:12–33, Ps 34:5–11, Prov 6:33–35

Numbers 22:22-24:25
The angel stood in Balaam’s way, but the prophet did not see him! However, his donkey did see. He had beaten the animal three times (that makes me like him even less what about you?). The animal first asked why she had been beaten. Balaam was so angry he was not shocked that the animal had spoken. Consider how your anger can keep you from seeing the Lord and can lead you to violence. The donkey simply reminded Balaam of her years of faithful service. Balaam was intent on his selfish mission and was not sensitive to God’s will. When his eyes were opened, Balaam saw the angel and realized his mistakes. God said plainly, “Your way is perverse” (v. 32).
What is the main message of this text?

Every time he opened his mouth he blessed Israel instead of cursing as he tried. He gave four oracles, how would you summarize them?  
Balaam gives a triumphant history of Israel in these four visions, all the way from their election as a nation to their exaltation in the kingdom. How can we apply this to us today? We have been chosen by God, justified by faith in grace through obedience, we are given a great inheritance in Christ, and we are promised a future glory. We are blessed.

Mark 11:12-33
What is the meaning of the cursing of the fig tree?

This is the second time we see a cleansing of the Temple. A “den of thieves” is the place thieves go to hide when they have committed a crime. The religious leaders were using the worship of God as a cover for their sins! This type of deception should bring about righteous anger.

The religious leaders were upset because Jesus had cleansed the temple and said it was His house, doing so claiming to be God. By what authority could he say and do these things?

Psalm 34:5-11
Verse 7 speaks of God protecting us. In what ways has the Lord protected you?
To fear the Lord is to show reverence and to show the conduct of respect for God. Do you fear the Lord? How can we teach this?

Proverbs 6:33-35
The proverb speaks of the anger of a husband that has been cheated on. This is something none of us needs to experience firsthand, thus stay pure. 

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