Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Thoughts and texts for Mar 6-8

I likely will not be where I can have internet access until Saturday after today, so here are the texts for the next three days. I get the privilege of taking one of my elders (and my baby and my bulldog) to visit a student from the church at Virginia Tech and then a quick visit to family. Quick trip, but blessed we can do that, Crystal is out of town for work again so the timing is good I suppose.

March 06, 2013            Num 13–14, Mark 9:1–29, Ps 32:5–11, Prov 6:20–22
March 07, 2013            Num 15, Mark 9:30–50, Ps 33:1–6, Prov 6:23–24
March 08, 2013            Num 16–17, Mark 10:1–22, Ps 33:7–13, Prov 6:25–27

“I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than dwell in the tents of wickedness.” Psalm 84:10

Numbers 13-17
Hebrews 3-4 is the commentary on Numbers 13-14, the key point is unbelief leads to the loss of blessings. How many times have you lost out on a blessing from God because of your unbelief?
Why do you think the people were so afraid even though they had seen so much from the hand of God? What are you afraid of and what does that say about you? (not that all fear is bad, you should fear the law if you break it or fire if you play with it)

How would 15:2 bring hope to the people?

Chapters 16 and 17 deal with the rebellion of Korah. What was his rebellion? Jude 11 mentions it in what way?
How does envy and pride get in the way of serving the Lord?
Today we can today that God calls all to serve, but some to lead. Can this cause tension in the church?
When a person demands to be put into leadership they or most of the time not fit to lead God’s people. Read Paul’s words in Acts 20:28-31.
God dealt with the rebellion swiftly and harshly. How should we deal with this type of thing today?
Notice that Psalms 84-88 were written by descendants of Korah that apparently were humble servants of God that knew their place. Read Psalm 84:10

The people rebelled against Moses again and God again interceded quickly. Notice the love Moses had for his people. Why is it so often that people rebel against those that love and work for and with them?

What is the significance of Aaron’s rod budding?

Mark 9
Why is it significant that Moses and Elijah are there on the mountain? How does this complete the story of Moses?
Why is this encounter important for Jesus and His disciples?
Why were the disciples not able to cast out the demon? What does this teach us about the power of prayer and fasting?
What value did Jesus put on children? How was this different than His society? How do you look upon children?
Jesus ends the chapter using the illustration about salt, what is the point? Have you lost your taste?

Mark 10:1-22
What does Jesus say about divorce? What does 1 Corinthians 7 say?
In what way should we accept a the Kingdom like a child?
Why did the rich young ruler go away sad? Would you?

Psalm 32:5-11
David says that God is His hiding place. Would you say the same?

Psalm 33:1-13
The Lord is continually giving new mercies and is worthy of new songs of praise. What news songs have you sung to God lately?
Consider the power of God that He speaks and the stars and all things come into creation.
“Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord” would you say our nation has chosen the Lord? Have we been blessed?

Proverbs 6:20-27
We are told to bind the Law upon our heart and neck. What does that mean? What are the benefits of doing that?
How is the Law like a lamp and a light?
We are reminded that we cannot play with fire and not get burnt eventually. In the same way when we play around with sexual sin it will burn us.

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