Tuesday, March 5, 2013

March 4 & 5 texts

March 04, 2013            Num 9–10, Mark 8:1–21, Ps 31:16–24, Prov 6:16–17
March 05, 2013            Num 11–12, Mark 8:22–38, Ps 32:1–4, Prov 6:18–19

Numbers 9-10
The point here is all about trusting the Lord. God provides, leads, warns, and provides wisdom when needed and sought.

Numbers 11-12
Why do you think we have such an issue respecting authority? What is your understanding of spiritual authority today in your life?
How did Moses respond to the people complaining about him? How did God?
Why do we seem to have such a desire to complain? What do you complain about? Is it justifiable?

Mark 8:1-38
Jesus showed compassion to those that others avoided. Would you say that you follow His example?
Jesus had fed 5,000 in chapter 6, here it is 4,000. Why do you think the disciples seemed to be surprised that He could do this?
Why do we forget the blessings of God so quickly?
Why did and do people seek a sign when God has already done so much?
Why do you think the disciples were so slow to understand and trust? Are you the same way?
Why was Jesus so harsh with Peter?
What is the relationship between suffering and glory?
What does it mean to take up your cross?

Psalm 31:16-24
David asked for God to shine His face upon him. What does this mean?
David says that God will hide those who love Him in the secret place of His presence. Does this bring you comfort and joy? It does me.

Psalm 32:1-4
What is the result of unconfessed sin?
Are there any sins you need to confess and seek forgiveness?

Proverbs 6:16-19
These are things God hates and are abomination:
A proud look,
A lying tongue,
Hands that shed innocent blood,
A heart that devises wicked plans,
Feet that are swift in running to evil,
A false witness who speaks lies,
And one who sows discord among brethren.

If you were to make a list of things God hates would your list match the one here? Why do you think these specific sins are mentioned? Notice it is the whole person.

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