Monday, January 7, 2013

Are You A Friend Of God Or The World?

January 08, 2013            Gen 18–19, Matt 6:16–34, Ps 6, Prov 1:17–19
Be true to yourself, help others, make each day your masterpiece, make friendship a fine art, drink deeply from good books - especially the Bible, build a shelter against a rainy day, give thanks for your blessings and pray for guidance every day.
John Wooden

Genesis 18-19
James 2:23 says that Abraham was a friend with God; we can see his heart in chapter 18. Lot was a friend of the world in many ways; we can see that in chapter 19. Are you a friend of God or a friend of the world?
In chapter 18 God visits Abraham as a friend. In chapter 19 God visits Sodom as a destroyer. Oh that we could say that we are friend of God.

Chapter 18
God visit Abraham in the heat of the day when he was resting. Perhaps one of the reasons we too often fail to see the Lord’s will is we do not take time to be silent and rest in His presence?
Abraham did not automatically know who these men were, but he showed them the highest possible courtesy. It was hot, he was tired, and he was old, but he still showed hospitality. It is no wonder that the writer of Hebrews uses this scene to teach us about the importance of showing hospitality (Heb. 13:2). Would you describe yourself as hospitable, courteous?
In verse 14 the question is asked, “Is anything too difficult for God?” The answer is a resounding “No.”
When Abraham learned the fate of Sodom he pleaded on their behalf and specifically for the fate of his family that lived there. When was the last time you pleaded to God for His grace upon the lost?

Chapter 19
This has to be one of the most disturbing chapters in the Bible. It is difficult for me to even read, much less teach about. However, it is in the Bible for a purpose. Where does sin end? When do we become so anesthetized to vile nature of sin that we do things like what we see in this chapter by one who is called a believer (Lot)? One of the concerns I have for our culture is we have seen so much sinful action that we have forgotten how to blush. Like the Romans of old we love blood sports and violence. Dirty jokes, nasty language, and sexual innuendo or worse are too often the expected in our entertainment choices. I could say a lot more here, but I should stop.
The danger is we begin to act like the world and justify it by saying we are not as bad as our neighbor. Remember we are not to compare ourselves with our neighbors, but with the perfect example of Christ (1 Peter 2:21).
I am not going to address each specific sin in this chapter but the point is clear when we move into the den of iniquity we will do horrible things.
What were the results of the sins in this chapter both immediate and long term?
If this chapter does not disturb you something may be wrong with your conscious.
Are you a friend of God or of the world?

Matthew 6:16-34
Notice that Jesus says when you fast, not if you fast. Have you spent much time fasting? For what purpose did you fast?

Where is your treasure found on earth or in heaven?
We have to have things and money to survive, however our trust must be the Lord to provide. When things control your heart, thoughts, and actions it leads to life of worry. What do you worry about? What is the balance between being a good steward of what God has blessed you with and being obsessed with money?

Psalm 6
This is one of six Psalms (6, 32, 51, 102, 130, and 143) that the early church used to teach how to repent from sin.
David was in physical, emotional, and spiritual pain. He says he wept over his sins. Have you wept over your sins?
Nevertheless, he has faith that God has heard his prayers and will answer.
When we feel we are in the dark night of our souls we must keep faith, keep praying, keep serving, and know the light of dawn is coming.

Proverbs 1:17-19
One reason we should not join others in their sin is self-preservation. In the end it will come to our own demise if we join them. If you love yourself you don’t do stupid things.

Pray today that you can maintain a sense of what is holy.
Follow the example of Abraham and pray for mercy for lost loved ones by name.
Pray about your attitude toward material possessions.
Confess the sins you committed today to God today, be specific.    

On this day in 1956 Jim Elliot and four other men died trying to bring the Gospel to the Huaorani people in Ecuador. Jim Elliot's rightly said, "When it comes time to die, make sure that all you have to do is die." 

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