Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Finding Refuge In God

Finding Refuge In God

January 03, 2013            Gen 6–7, Matt 3, Ps 3, Prov 1:5–7

Max Lucado said somewhere (I can’t remember where), “The Bible has been banned, burned, scoffed, and ridiculed. Scholars have mocked it as foolish. Kings have branded it as illegal. A thousand times over, the grave has been dug and the dirge has begun, but somehow the Bible never stays in the grave. Not only has it survived, it has thrived. It’s the single most popular book in all of history. It has been the best-selling book in the world for years.”
1 Peter 1:24,25 puts it this way, “All men are like grass, and all their glory is like the flowers of the field; the grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of the Lord stands forever.”

Genesis 6
This section begins with marriage. Does God care about who we marry? How can we teach young people to be wise with their choice of a mate?
It says that the people were so wicked that they thought of evil continually. Do you think the world we live in is getting better or more wicked? What is our role as Christians in a deprived society? How do we provide light to the world without being overcome by the darkness?
“Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.” This has to be one of the greatest verses in this section of the Bible. Who stands out as righteous around you (family, co-workers, friends)? If God were to look down today would you be found faithful in this generation?

I realize this text brings up lots of legitimate questions to ponder and study. This is not the place for that, but if you want to talk about it ask me and we can.
Noah was given instruction on how to build the ark. It took 100 years to build the ark.  Do you think you would have the patience or faith to follow through as Noah did?
No doubt there was ridicule from the world, but Noah walked by faith. In what ways are Christians ridiculed today?
Though Noah preached for 100 years his success was not seen in his number of converts, but in his faithfulness to God. What does this teach us about how God sees success?

Genesis 7
The number 7 is an important number in Genesis. Where have we seen this number used so far and what is the significance?
The Flood is spoken of four times in the NT (Matt. 24:35-39; 1 Peter 3:20-21; 2 Peter 2:5; 3:6-7). These verses speak of the judgment to come, a preacher of righteousness, the patience of God, and baptism. What do you learn about God from the Flood?

A few thoughts to consider from these chapters: 1. God is holy and must punish sin. 2. God always gives warning before His wrath comes (we have been warned through the Word of God). 3. God shows grace even when humanity is at its worst. 4. The righteous live by faith (Heb. 11:7). 5. If we truly have faith it leads to obedience. 6. We must separate ourselves from sin and proclaim salvation to those that will listen.

Matthew 3
John the Baptist came in the spirit of Elijah to prepare the way for the Lord as prophesied in Malachi 4:5-6. What characteristics of the life, morals, teachings, and attitude of John is worthy of being followed?
Why did some reject his preaching and other flock to it? What kind of preaching do people flock to today?
Jesus came to be baptized, why?
He says, “to fulfill all righteousness”, what does that mean?
Consider also the example in Exodus 29 that says that a priest in the Old Testament must be washed and anointed to serve. (He was baptized and the Spirit came upon Him.)
As a side note the word used here in the Greek means to dip, plunge, or immerse. Often it was used in connection to the dying of clothing. So your mental picture of this event is in the middle of the river with Jesus being dunked under water. It is a beautiful picture.

God speaks here, in Matthew 17:5, and in John 12:28. What is significance of the Lord speaking from Heaven here?

Psalm 3
Psalms 3 and 4 were written by David when he was running for his life. The first is the morning psalm and the second is the evening psalm. Though there was much to stress about David was able to sleep and rest in God because he knew no matter what others say or do God was with him. Can you say the same? Do you have this type of faith?

Proverbs 1:5-7
These verses say a wise person will hear and learn. What are you doing to increase your knowledge of God and His will?
It also says to seek wise counsel. How can you discern who is wise counsel? Do you find yourself seeking out those that agree with you or those that speak wisdom even if you disagree? Do you seek wisdom from others at all?
He ends this section by reminding us that the fear the Lord is the starting place, but a fool will despise wisdom and instruction. What does it mean to fear the Lord in this context?

Can you see how these four sections can be connected? The flood, John the Baptist, Jesus, David, and Solomon all have something to teach us today. If we obey God and flee from sin we can rest in the grace and protection of God. This is an amazing blessing.
Pray today that the Lord will help you to realize who is wise and who you need to avoid.
Pray that you can not only understand the will of God but have the courage to do what you are called to do.
Contemplate the use of water as a symbol of grace and cleansing in the Bible.
Pray about how you can prepare the way for the Lord today for someone that needs Him.

May the Lord bless you today and remember we are blessed to bless others.

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