Thursday, January 10, 2013

God Our Defender

January 11, 2013            Gen 25, Matt 8:14–9:8, Ps 7:10–17, Prov 1:25–27

It was said of Saint Francis that he ‘seemed not so much a man praying as prayer itself made man’” (Foster, Prayer 119). Let the same be said of us. 

Genesis 25
Abraham lived 175 years and died being satisfied with his life. How would you summarize his life? Why is he such an example of faith? How will others look at you at the end of your life?
The following chart shows the linage of Abraham, in case you lost track.  

It took twenty years for Isaac and Rebekah to conceive a child, in what ways do you think this was difficult for them?
Twins were born, how are they different from one another (physically, personality, and spiritually)?
What does the selling of the birthright reveal about the character of Esau?
In what ways is there a danger of us choosing immediate gratification over the eternal?

Matthew 8:14–9:8
What do we learn about Peter here (1 Cor. 9:5)? What do we learn about the attitude of his mother in law?
What powers of Christ do we see in this text?
What material possession s did Jesus have?
Jesus told the man to let the dead bury the dead. This seems mean, what is the meaning? I take it to mean that the man wanted to wait for his father to die before he came to follow Jesus. This could be years down the road. What conditions do you place upon God to follow Him? What do you hold back?
Jesus had power or nature as seen with the calming of the sea. Remember many of these men were fishermen they knew when to be frightened. Faith casts out fear, where do you need to increase in faith?
In 8:28-34 Jesus shows His power over the demonic. What are the signs of demonic possession? Why did Jesus cast the demons into the swine? Why did the people ask him to leave?
Do we ever choose economics over God?
In Chapter 9 Jesus forgives the man’s sins before He heals him. Why is this important? Why did this upset people? (We will discuss this story more in depth when we get to Mark 2.)
The people marveled and glorified God, do you?

Psalm 7:10–17
David says his defense is in God. Do you allow God to defend you?
Does the idea of the wrath of God terrify you? As a Christian we should not be afraid of God, but we should have a healthy fear, awe of God.
David says that those that do evil with see their works come back upon them. It has been my experience that this is true, but often not as fast as I would choose. Would you agree?
He praises God for His righteousness. What aspect of God’s righteousness makes you praise Him?

Proverbs 1:25–27
What is the result when we reject wisdom? The rest of the chapter gives the results. The first one is these few verses and to summarize: disaster. What choices have you made that you look back as disastrous because you did not follow God’s will?

Pray today about how you make decisions. Pray that you can see the long term effects and that you make your choices with the eternal in mind rather than the temporary or material gain we might see.
Praise God today because of His power over all and His righteousness.

Today I am praying for wisdom to know how to deal with a few issues and a few people. Pray with me please. 

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