Monday, January 21, 2013

Investing In The Kingdom Of God

January 21, 2013            Gen 42–43, Matt 13:44–14:12, Ps 12, Prov 2:17–19
Today was my first day of classes teaching at Mid-Atlantic Christian University. While this will take a lot of time and effort, it is a great investment in the Kingdom of God. To God be the glory in all things. Today as we read God’s Word let us consider how best we can further His Kingdom.

Genesis 42-43
Why did Jacob leave back one son and send the rest? Was this wise?
What was the purpose behind the plan that Joseph set forth with his brothers?
One of the reasons (there are three I think) was to see if his brothers had changed or not. Had they?

Is the offer by Reuben wise?
Why did Jacob send double the money and goods from their home?
Realize the dream that Joseph had so long ago is now coming true. His brothers do bow down to him.
What is the significance of the extra food for Benjamin?

Matthew 13:44-14:12
What is the value of the Kingdom of God?
What is the meaning of the dragnet? What is the fate of the lost? How should that effect how try to reach the lost?

Why did those in Jesus’ hometown reject Him? What did they miss out because they rejected Him? What do we miss when we reject Christ?

Chapter 14
Why would Herod that Jesus was John resurrected?
Why was John in prison? Should preachers speak out against moral failures of political leaders?
Why was John killed?

Psalm 12
David lamented that there seemed to be no good people around, everyone acted like hypocrites. Do you ever feel this way?
David prays for God’s protection and we should do the same.

Proverbs 2:17-19
How seriously does God take the marriage covenant? How seriously does our society?

Pray today for an understanding of the great value of the Kingdom of God and a desire to pursue it.
Pray about ways in which you have rejected Christ.
Pray for those that have deceived themselves into living a lifestyle of duplicity. 

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