Thursday, January 3, 2013

Trusting In The Plan Of God

Trusting In The Plan Of God

January 04, 2013            Gen 8–9, Matt 4, Ps 4:1–2, Prov 1:8–9

In a letter, Galileo wrote:
I send you a rose, which ought to please you extremely, seeing what a rarity it is at this season. And with the rose you must accept its thorns, which represent the bitter suffering of our Lord, while the green leaves represent the hope we may entertain, that through the same sacred passion we, having passed through the darkness of this short winter of our mortal life, may attain to the brightness and felicity of an eternal spring in Heaven

God loves to use everyday things to teach us important truths. Jesus used bread and juice to teach about the Atonement. He used a mustard seed to teach about faith, and yeast to teach about the Kingdom of God. In the texts before us today God uses the rainbow to teach about grace, fishing to teach about evangelism, and a garland and chain to teach about wisdom. As we read through these texts consider the normal everyday objects around you and what you can learn and teach about God through them.

Genesis 8-9
What the meaning of the imagery of the dove?
What was Noah’s first thought/action when he got off the ark?

No doubt Noah had a lot to do, he had a world to help rebuild. However, he had his priorities right and wanted to worship first. If you are like me I can sometimes feel a bit overwhelmed with all that needs to be done. There is always a call to make, an email to return, a paper to write, people that need comfort, laundry that needs to be done, and it is easy to push my personal worship time to the side. However, I am too busy not to pray, too weak to not seek Divine power and too simple to not seek wisdom.

God smelled the aroma of the sacrifice and was pleased. The New Testament teaches us that our prayers are incents sent up to God. How does it make you feel to know your sacrifices of praise, prayer, service, and worship please the Lord?
God is the God of second chances. He gave the world and humanity a second chance. How many times in your life has God given you more than two chances?

Chapter 9 begins with the importance of blood both in animals and more importantly in humanity. Here the basis for capital punishment (and eating meat for that matter) is set forth in the Old Testament. What is the best way to deter crime and show respect to victims today?
Do you see the justice system’s role to be retributive or rehabilitative?

The chapter ends with the symbol of the rainbow. When you see a rainbow what comes to mind?
What does the word covenant mean? What is the difference between a covenant and a promise?

Matthew 4
Satan tried to tempt Jesus in three ways. How did Jesus answer these temptations? What can we learn from this for our spiritual warfare?
The first temptation was to make stones into bread. Satan tempted Eve with the idea that God was holding out on her, he tries the same trick here to no avail. Do you ever feel this way?
In the second temptation Satan quotes part of Psalm 91:11-12, what part does he leave out and why does it matter?
Do you think Satan knows the Word of God? How does he distort it today?
The third time Satan tries to tempt Jesus with becoming the King in the wrong way. In what ways does Satan tempt you?
Jesus is called the second Adam in 1 Corinthians 15:45; consider how superior Jesus is as seen in in temptation. Adam was in Eden (which means pleasure) and had it all, but sinned. Jesus was in a desolate place and was hungry, but did not sin. Adam sinned and lost his dominion; Jesus obeyed and regained what Adam lost (Romans 5:12-21). Adam lost his battle with Satan, died, and brought death to all of humanity. Jesus prevailed over Satan (here, on the cross, and in the Resurrection; Revelation 12 is a great text to see the whole picture) and brought everlasting life to all humanity that will join Him.

Jesus then begins his ministry by preaching. Do you think it was important for Him to have His time in the desert for preparation before He began ministry? How do you prepare for what God is calling you to do?
How would you describe the preaching of Jesus?

What does it mean to be a fisher of men?
What does it mean to leave all to follow Christ today?

This chapter ends with miracles and a great following. What was the purpose of miracles? Why did the masses follow Jesus? Why did almost all forsake Him at the end of His ministry?

Psalm 4:1-2
When David wrote this he was under tremendous stress and pressure. A rebellion has taken place and his son is at the center of it. He shows great faith that God will set the record straight and put down the rebellion.
When is it right to stand up for our reputation and when is it right to leave it in the hands of God?

Proverbs 1:8-9
In what ways is the teaching of godly parents like a garland on your head and a prized chain around your neck?
Why is it we believe ourselves to be so wise when we are young?
If you are a parent are you offering your children wisdom through your words and actions?

A lesson to be learned in all of these texts is to trust in the plan of God. Noah did and was saved from the flood. Jesus did and Satan was no match for him. David did and his name is now the second most used name in all the Word of God. Solomon did, in time, and was the wisest man of his age. Do you trust the Lord has your life and circumstances under control? Do you trust His will for you life?

Pray for the Lord will give you a hunger for His Word.
Pray for wisdom to interpret the Word as not to be deceived by the devil.
Pray about how you can be a fisher for men and women today.

As I write this I have many on my mind for whom I am praying. Part of prayer is seeking the heart of God. The more we see people the way God does the more it leads us to compassion and love and prayer. The reality is I cannot help in the situations of so many, but I know One who can. If there is something I can pray about for you let me know.

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