Thursday, January 17, 2013

Consider Your Words Wisely

January 18, 2013            Gen 37–38, Matt 12:31–50, Ps 10:6–10, Prov 2:9–11

One year ago today my baby girl, Karis, was born. I had no idea what joy a child could bring to my life. I also had no idea how much effort such a little baby can take. I have learned much from her in this past year. I have learned about total dependence, total dedication, and being more tired than I knew possible. I have learned what it feels like to be loved in a new way and how to love in a new way. To raise a child takes time, effort, and money. I have learned I can function long term on much less sleep than I thought before. I am learning to multitask much better and time management is vital for my success. As I see her grow and develop it is amazing. I have watched her go from totally helpless to walking, climbing, eating, kissing, hugging, talking some and chasing her bulldog in less than a year’s time.

In the same way I love seeing babes in Christ grow into toddlers in Christ and on to maturity in Christ. Too often though, it does not happen that way. Many of the same traits I have seen in Karis over the past year are also needed in our spiritual growth. We have to crawl before we can walk. We have to fall down many times until we are stable. We will start with milk and in time move on to meat. We will have to listen to those that have gone before us to learn what to do next. We will need lots of help along the way. The more we show love toward our Father the more likely it is to have a great relationship with Him. We have to be fed to grow physically and we have to work at it to grow mentally. The spiritual does not come automatically; a baby does not know how to pray only to cry out. While this may be a form of prayer, the best is yet to come if we work at it. I could go on, but I hope that makes sense? As we read in God’s Word today I pray that we could crave God’s Word as much as Karis craves her bottle.

Genesis 37-38
Jacob showed favoritism just as his father had done. Is it wrong to favor one child over another?
Why did Joseph’s brothers hate him?
What is the significance of the coat Joseph was given?
Jacob made his youngest son the foreman can you image what kind of issues that would cause with his brothers?
Did Joseph’s dreams come true? See 42:6; 43:26; 44:14
How could God use something as horrible as this episode to bring about good?
Are Judah and/or Reuben to be praised or looked down upon for their role in this?
Jacob once had used an animal to trick his father, now his sons do the same. The irony is evident in this story. He spent many years in sorrow believing the worst had happened, but God had a plan for what was best. Does this bring you comfort in times of sorrow?

Chapter 38
Notice to contrast of morality with Joseph and Judah.
What were the results of Judah leaving the family and going to those who did not know the Lord?
Some use verses 8-10 to argue against the use of birth control. Do you think that is the point of this text? If not (and I do not think that is the point of this text), what are we to learn from this text?
Why would Judah see it as worthy of death for his daughter in law to commit adultery and nothing wrong with him doing it? How do you think God sees it?
Notice that Tamar is one of three women listed in the linage of Christ (Matt. 1:3). What does this say about the plan and grace of God?

Matthew 12:31-50
Why is the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit the unpardonable sin?

There is much disagreement about what this means. Some have said that it is when a Christian is murdered because Christians are the temple of the Holy Spirit. However, this does not fit because we know murder can be forgiven. When Jesus was murdered He prayed for them to be forgiven. When Peter preached in Acts 2 he told them they had played a part in the murder of Jesus, yet they still became Christians. When Stephen was murdered he prayed the same. Paul no doubt was forgiven.

Others have said it is suicide because you cannot repent and you are the temple of the Holy Spirit. This does not fit either. Only God knows the mental state of a person at such a time and He is able to judge their whole lives.

Still others say it is not accepting the Lord before death. The thought is one has rejected the calling of the Holy Spirit for their whole lives and there will be no forgiveness. This idea too is found lacking. Blasphemy and resisting the Spirit are two very different things.

To understand what Jesus means here we have to put it into the context of what comes before and after it. Jesus has been healing and casting out demons and the crowds are amazed. However, most of the religious leaders were enraged because they feared losing power. They accused Jesus of doing what He did by the power of demons. Yet, in John three a Pharisee came to Jesus and said they knew he was of God. The signs Jesus gave were undeniable.

A few things that are clear from what Jesus says here. First, this is a willful sin. If you are afraid you accidently committed this sin, you have not. Second, it is a sin of the tongue. It is something we say against the Holy Spirit. The word blasphemy means to speak reproachfully, to slander, or revile. So in context it is accrediting to Stan the power by which Jesus did His miracles. It is to say that Jesus was not filled with the Holy Spirit, but with the spirit of Satan. That is horrible to think much less say. Now let me be clear here. They knew that Jesus was doing these things by God, but reviled Him and said it was of Satan to maintain their own power. That is unforgivable.

In essence, what it would mean is you are trying to keep people from the truth that will bring them salvation to keep your own power. Can it get any worse? You can question, doubt, and even deny that Jesus is who He claimed to be, but then come to faith and forgiveness. However, if you heart is so hardened that you know the truth and lie about the truth to save your own reputation and thus send people in the direction of hell that is abominable. To destroy others faith when you know the consequences is straight from Satan.

So the question for us today is can we commit this sin today? I would answer yes because Jesus said that is the case, but it is not common. Again, as we read what Jesus said the type of person who would do such a thing is not one that would be worried about repentance. So if you are worried that you have done this don’t worry about it you have not. That is not to say you should not cry out to God in repentance if you have led others the wrong way or spoken bad against God. A couple of other verses come to mind (Heb. 6:4-8 and 1 John 5:16-17), but I will leave them till we get to them later in the year. I hope what I said here makes sense or at least makes you think. You do not have to agree with me, but I do think it makes sense.

Verses 36 and 37 are chilling. How does it make you examine your words?
Jesus says he is greater than Jonah and Solomon. In what ways is this true?
What is the difference between having a religion and having true salvation? One is about outward cleansing, but the other deals with the heart and soul.

The chapter ends with Jesus talking about His true family. Are you part of the family of God? Do you act like it?

Psalm 10:6-10
The evil man thinks that God is far away and there is no one to answer to or fear.
The evil man shows him or herself by their words. Do you words show you are of God or of the world?
The evil take advantage of the helpless and weak. Where have you seen this in your life?

Proverbs 2:9-11
Has wisdom entered your heart?
Is knowledge pleasant to your soul?
How will this save your life?

Pray today about those you have spoken badly? Where are you guilty and need to repent?
Pray about the control of your tongue.
Pray about what you need spiritually in order to grow into maturity. 

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