Sunday, January 6, 2013

Praise El Shaddai

January 7, 2013          Gen 16–17, Matt 5:38–6:15, Ps 5:7–12, Prov 1:15–16

“The Bible is very easy to understand. But we Christians are a bunch of scheming swindlers. We pretend to be unable to understand it because we know very well that the minute we understand, we are obliged to act accordingly.”
― Soren Kierkegaard

The truth is the majority of the Bible is easy to understand (though there are some texts that take some real digging). As we read the texts for today seek no only the meaning, but the application to your life.

Genesis 16-17
Chapter 16
As we read these two chapters we see a contrast between the wisdom of man and the wisdom of God. We are called to live a life of faith not of scheming.

It would appear that Abraham decided to take matters into his own hands rather than waiting on God. Have you ever been guilty of this?
What were the results of Abraham’s choice?
How did his wife respond? How did Hagar respond? How did God respond?
How can we know if it is time to move or time to wait on God?

Chapter 17
Thirteen years have passed and at this point Abram and his wife are at an age that only God could possibly bring about a child.
God reveals Himself as, “God Almighty”—El Shaddai, “the all-sufficient One.” What does this name teach us about God?
God gives them new names. “Abram” means “high father”; “Abraham” means “father of a multitude.” “Sarai” is said to mean “contentious”; but “Sarah” means “a princess.”
Why does God change their names?
What is the significance of circumcision?
The name Isaac means “laughter” and no doubt his birth brought great joy.
Abraham and his whole household responded in faith to God.

Matthew 5:38-6:15
Who do you compare yourself with? If you chose how you react by the actions of others it is too easy to justify almost anything. However God says we are to compare ourselves to Him. When we do that we understand how imperfect we really are. How do you compare with your use of words, your reaction to offense, and how you deal with enemies when you compare yourself to God?

Chapter six begins with Jesus teaching about giving. Why do you give? It is a very good thing to give from a grateful heart because God has blessed you. However, if you give for others to notice and give you praise you are not accomplishing much with God.
Then Jesus moves on to pray. Notice Jesus says, “When you pray” not “If you pray”; He expects us to pray. How often do you pray? Do you set aside valuable time for it?
Prayer is a very personal thing, we must be cautious when we pray in public that we are not praying because we want others to hear us. When we pray in public it should be from a humble heart that is at home talking with the Lord for he or she does it often. The model prayer should be used to teach us to pray. Whole book have been written on the subject, but it is enough for us to consider today how our prayers sound in comparison to the prayer Jesus gives us?

Psalm 5:7-12
One of the things that David’s psalms teach us we need to be honest with God. He asked God to vindicate him and bring down the plans of his enemies. Don’t forget that David was the Lord’s anointed King, you are not. Having said that where is it appropriate for God to bring down evil plans?
David speaks of great joy. Do you have the joy of the Lord today?

Proverbs 1:15-16
He speaks of those that run to evil and make haste to shed blood. As a Christian how should we react to evil?

Pray to day for the wisdom to know when to act and when to wait.
Praise God today that He is the all-sufficient One.
Pray about your motives in your giving.
Use the Model Prayer to pray to the Lord today.

As we begin this work week let us praise God that we have jobs to go to. For those of you who are in school praise God that you have opportunity to go to school many do not have the opportunity. For those that are retired or don’t have to work outside of the home praise God that you can do that. For those looking for work pray for the Lord to guide your search. 

1 comment:

  1. Our decisions not only effect our lives but those around us as well. Poor Sarai, made a decision that not only caused problems around the dinner table and at family reunions but for generations and generations. The descendents of Sarai and Hagar are still fighting today.

    Notice that in the passage of giving it is "when" also. This too is expected of us. It appears that both giving and prayer are very important to Jesus.
