Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Following The Will Of God

January 16, 2013            Gen 32–34, Matt 11:20–12:8, Ps 9:12–20, Prov 2:4–6

 “The Church exists for nothing else but to draw men into Christ, to make them little Christs. If they are not doing that, all the cathedrals, clergy, missions, sermons…, are a waste of time. God became Man for no other purpose. It is even doubtful, you know, whether the whole universe was created for any other purpose.” C. S. Lewis

I long for the Church to be all that God has called us to be. There is so much pain and confusion in the world that only the Lord can help with. God has chosen in His wisdom to use us flawed, weak humans to do His will on earth. What a privilege and honor it is to be chosen by God to bring the Good News to the world. Let us be the Church today and draw people to Christ.

Genesis 32-34
Why were the angels there?
Why was Jacob afraid? Does this show a lack of faith?
Read Hebrews 1:14 and Psalm 91:11-13, do these verses bring you comfort?
Notice that Jacob still tried to scheme his way out of his problems before he went to the Lord for help. Why are like this too often?

Sometimes it is very valuable to get away from all others and seek solitude in order to commune with God. It is in solitude that God transforms us into who we are called to be. It is in solitude that we get away from all crutches and all distractions. When was the last time you spent some time in solitude with God? Jacob spends time with God and it changed his life forever. He wrestled with God all night long and in the end he received a blessing. Hosea 12:4 tells us he wept and asked for a blessing. The whole point of the encounter was for Jacob to humble himself before God.
Jacob is given a new name, Israel, which means “he who struggles with God.” He received a new blessing. He now had a new testimony. Last, he lived to see a new day. This was the beginning of a new life, Jacob had seen God, but his life had been spared.

Chapter 33
Jacob often went back and forth between acting like the heel grabbing, schemer of his past and the price of God of his future. Too often Christians try to live in both the past and the present and it does not work well at all. What in your life do you need to give up to live to your full potential for God?
Was Jacob’s demeanor before his brother appropriate?
Jacob again lied to his brother (about his flocks), why did he do this?
Do you ever lie to people to tell them what you think they need to hear or want to hear?
This is the last time the brothers will see one another until they bury their father, isn't that sad?

Chapter 34
Fighting sin with sin never works. Dinah was violated by the king’s son; this was very evil in the sight of God and of her brothers. What should have Jacob done in response? Did her brothers have a right to be angry? Did they handle the situation in a godly way?
Consider how wrong it was to use the sacred rite given by God, circumcision, to bring about their revenge. How do you think God looked upon this act?
Consider how badly the men of Shechem wanted the wealth of Jacob; the idea of mass adult circumcision is . . .  painful. To what lengths are you willing to go to get what you want?
When we are ruled by hate rather than love it bring tragic consequences. Not only did they kill the men, they took all they had including the children and women. This is wrong on so many levels.
Jacob rebukes his boys not so much because of their sin, but because he was concerned about his safety. This makes me a little sick to my stomach. We must always consider the welfare of those around us, not only our own well being.                                                                                                                               
On his deathbed Jacob brings this up again (Gen. 49:5-7), the grace of God is seen again when the Levites are chosen to be the priests of God.

Matthew 11:20-12:8
Why are we so slow to repent of our sins?
Why is Jesus so upset with these cities?
Already many were turning against Jesus, what is His response? His response was to go to His Father in prayer. What is your response when others turn against you? What is your response when things are not going well?
Jesus’ top priority was to do the will of God, what is your top priority?
Jesus promises rest, what does that mean?

Chapter 12
The Pharisees had put a burden on the people as is seen in this text.
What can we learn from what Jesus teaches here?

Psalm 9:12-20
David thought about the past and the future and he realized he needed to pray to the Lord in the present situation. We need to learn to do the same.
David needed the Lord’s mercy and we do as well.
We know the fate of the lost, thus we need to be sure to do all we can to bring them to the Lord.

Proverbs 2:4-6
Do you seek the wisdom of God like it is a treasure? It is you know.
God gives wisdom to those who seek it, what a blessing.

Pray today about how you can rely less on your own plans and wisdom and more on God’s plans and wisdom.
Pray about how you respond to evil around you.
Pray about specific sins you need to repent of before God.
Pray about those that will go to Hell if they do not come to God and what you will say to God about your role in their spiritual life. How are you drawing others to Christ?

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