Saturday, January 12, 2013

Choosing To Do God's Will

January 12, 2013            Gen 26:1–27:29, Matt 9:9–26, Ps 8:1–3, Prov 1:28–29

C. S. Lewis once wrote, “There are only two kinds of people in the end: those who say to God, ‘Thy will be done,’ and those to whom God says, in the end, ‘Thy will be done.’ All that are in Hell chose it.” Today let’s say to God Thy will be done and mean it.

Genesis 26:1-27:29
Isaac repeated the sins of his father as is often the case. Why do have such a hard time breaking a generational cycle? Why do we not learn from the mistakes of those that went before us?
Chapter 26 ends with Esau taking two pagan wives. Why do think this caused so much grief to his father?
In Chapter 27 Isaac is 137 years old and believed he was going to die, though he would live to 180. He wanted to bless his oldest son before he died. The scheming in this family seems to have no end and thus another ploy comes about.
Often when we take things into our own hands and do not seek the will of God it does not turn out well. For Rebekah it meant that she would not ever see one of her sons again.
Jacob gives a great example of what hypocrisy looks like. His words, voice did not agree with his hands, actions. The result for him was to flee and face years of labor.
Where have you schemed to get your own way only to find it was a mistake?

Matthew 9:9-26
Jesus called Matthew to follow Him, why was this controversial since he was a tax collector? There were many that did not like who Jesus ministered to. What is the purpose of the church? What must one act like, look like, sound like, or dress like to be welcome by you and those you worship with?
Notice also that Jesus went to the sinners. How do we as the modern church reach the lost rather than expecting them to come to us?
Jesus came not to mix together the old and the new, but to bring something totally new into the world. His Gospel of grace was revolutionary, how?
How would you have felt if you daughter was dying but Jesus stopped to help someone else?
What did it mean to the woman who was healed?
How can we know what is most important in any given time?
What does the raising of the dead girl teach us about Jesus?

Psalm 8:1-3
We do not know when this was written. Some say David wrote it as an old man looking back at his life. Others say it is the night after he defeated Goliath. Either way it is valuable for us today.
What does it mean that God’s name is excellent or majestic?
How can we lift up the name of God?
How do the heavens reflect the glory of God?
The psalm says that from the mouths of infants and children the praise of God proceeds. 
Perhaps David is thinking about how he defeated Goliath.
Regardless we see in the life of Christ we see where children praised Him such as on Palm Sunday (Matt. 21:15ff). We are told to have childlike faith (Matthew 18:1-6), what does that mean?
What in God’s creation brings you to praise?

Proverbs 1:28-29
God allows us to make bad decisions and often there are consequences. If you hate wisdom when things are good it will not be there for you when times are hard. Are you seeking wisdom today?

Pray today that you can learn from your past mistakes and the mistakes of those that went before you.
Pray for ways to reach the lost today.
Praise God for the majesty of creation.
Pray also for those of us that are preaching and teaching tomorrow, to God be the glory. 

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