Monday, January 14, 2013

Take Up Your Cross

January 14, 2013            Gen 29:15–30:43, Matt 10:1–11:1, Ps 9:1–5, Prov 1:32–33

“Think often on God, by day, by night, in your business and even in your diversions. He is always near you and with you; leave him not alone.” Brother Lawrence

I am told by those that run websites that Monday is the biggest day that people look for jobs on the internet (preachers at an even higher rate I’m told). Monday can be a hard day to get going. Let me encourage you to rely on the Lord today. Be fed by His word and energized through His presence. Know that He is with you while you work, while you play, and even while you sleep.

Genesis 29:15–30:43
How would you describe the plans of Laban? What part did God play in his plans? What part does God play in your plans?
What is a good spouse worth? What was Jacob willing to give for Rachel’s hand in marriage? Does this seem fair?
Have you ever loved someone so much that seven years of work seemed like a few days?
What is the key to enjoying your job?
Jacob was tricked into marrying Leah. Was this wrong? Do you see the irony of the situation?
Did God ever intend for a man to have more than one wife? What problems does it cause?
What is the significance of the meaning of the names of the children?

Chapter 30
Why did Jacob get angry? Did he have a right to be angry? Do you show the most consideration for your spouse?
Was the decision to have children through Bilhah and Zilpha directed by God?
Why was there such a disagreement about the mandrakes? (Hint: they were called love apples)
Why do you think Rachel waited so long to cry out to God for help? Are you dealing with something on your own terms rather than going to God for help?
The chapter ends with Jacob working for the livestock. Was his plan or Laban’s plan moral? In what way did these men seek God’s will?

Matthew 10:1-11:1
They had been told to pray for workers and then they are called to serve. Part of praying about workers is praying about how God can use you.
As you read the list of the 12 what diversity do you see in the group? As you look at those in your congregation, how do you think God can use them as a group to change the world?
Jesus commanded them to only go to the Israelites, why?
Jesus gives specific instructions to the Apostles about their missionary work. These instructions (in verses 4-15) do not fit for us today well, why?
Jesus says we are to be as wise as serpents and as harmless as doves. What does that mean?

A key theme in this section is do not fear what others may do to you. Why is this so difficult?
Jesus says that if confess Him before men He will confess us before His Father, and if we don’t He will not either. How do we confess Jesus to others today?
Verses 34-39 are very hard saying of Jesus. In what way did Jesus come to bring a sword? Have you ever experienced conflict in your life and family because of Jesus?
What does it mean to take up your cross and follow Jesus? Jesus calls us to come and die.
What is the blessing of helping God’s prophet? Do you do this?  

Psalm 9:1-5
David says he will praise the Lord with his whole heart and tell of His marvelous works. What works of God do you tell others about? What victories in your life have you praised God for and told others?

Proverbs 1:32-33
“The complacency of fools will ruin them.” What is the difference between complacency and contentment? What area of your life are you too complacent?

Pray today that God will use you with your co-workers, fellow students, family, and friends.
Pray about your plans and seek the will of God.
Give God praise for the victories in your life.
Pray about where you need to grow and be stretched out of the your comfort zone.

Know that I am praying for you today. I pray that the Lord will use you today with those you come into contact with. What is the key to church growth? (Obviously teaching the truth and the work of the Holy Spirit come first.) The church grows when we invited our friends and family because we are excited about what God is doing. 

1 comment:

  1. God used Laban's plans to increase Jacob's sons in turn increasing the decendants of Abraham.he

    The irony comes in because Jacob's life is full of lies and now he is being feed some himself.

